./Job.out output for 778: Layer_conf1_M_B_hs

Status: running
[Mon Mar 03 11:55:01 SAST 2025] [MD] [warn] 'Starting MedeA Core 3.7.0'
MedeA version 3.7.0

#                This calculation has 1 stage

Stage 1: VASP 6

#                Running the calculation

Stage 1: VASP 6
Sucessfully opened MedeA database from /home/medea/MD/Databases/MedeA.db

1. Hybrid functional single point calculation
2. Density of states with Hybrid functional
3. Band structure with Hybrid functional (this may require several tasks)

VASP parameters
This is a calculation based on the hybrid functional HSE06 for describing the interactions.
Van der Waals interactions are added by means of a forcefield (DFT+D3 approach of S. Grimme with Becke-Johnson-damping).

This is a non-magnetic calculation using 'normal' precision
and a default planewave cutoff energy of 400.000 eV.
Non-local exchange is evaluated using 'Normal' precision.

The electronic iterations convergence is 1.00E-06 eV using the Preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm
and real space projection operators.

The requested k-spacing for non-local exchange is 0.5 per Angstrom, which leads to a  3x3x1 mesh.
This corresponds to actual k-spacings of 0.185 x 0.172 x 0.193 per Angstrom.
The k-mesh is forced to have an odd number of points in each direction.
The k-mesh for SCF is identical to the k-mesh for non-local exchange.

Using Gaussian smearing with a width of 0.05 eV.

Other non-default parameters:
	Extrafine augmentation grid for accurate forces is TRUE
	Extra input is NCORE = 8
NPAR = 8
	Initial charge density is read in from previous run
	Initial wave functions is read in from previous run
	(Pseudo, difference,
spin) charge density is TRUE
	Wave functions is TRUE
	Use charge density from job 750Stage_1/
	Charge density prefix is Stage_1/
	Use wave functions from job 750Stage_1/
	Wave function prefix is Stage_1/

Cell parameters:
 Parameter    Value    
---------- ------------
         a    11.335300
         b    12.182700
         c    32.513400
     alpha    90.000000
      beta    90.000000
     gamma    90.000000

    Volume  4489.923645 Ang^3

Fractional Coordinates:
	Atom              Coordinates
	-----      -------- -------- --------
	S1           0.4642   0.1251   0.9901
	S2           0.2161   0.9992   0.9914
	S3           0.4692   0.1245   0.0863
	S4           0.2191   1.0000   0.0876
	Mo5          0.1329   0.1250   0.0396
	Mo6          0.3823   0.9996   0.0387
	S7           0.9694   0.1253   0.9911
	S8           0.7187   0.9997   0.9891
	S9           0.9661   0.1249   0.0872
	S10          0.7149   0.0011   0.0851
	Mo11         0.6317   0.1250   0.0368
	Mo12         0.8817   0.0003   0.0384
	S13          0.4649   0.3746   0.9899
	S14          0.2164   0.2504   0.9914
	S15          0.4694   0.3762   0.0860
	S16          0.2191   0.2499   0.0876
	Mo17         0.1323   0.3749   0.0398
	Mo18         0.3821   0.2502   0.0389
	S19          0.9691   0.3743   0.9911
	S20          0.7187   0.2502   0.9890
	S21          0.9653   0.3748   0.0872
	S22          0.7142   0.2495   0.0849
	Mo23         0.6320   0.3750   0.0370
	Mo24         0.8818   0.2498   0.0385
	S25          0.4666   0.6248   0.9896
	S26          0.2153   0.5007   0.9917
	S27          0.4697   0.6255   0.0855
	S28          0.2193   0.5000   0.0877
	Mo29         0.1314   0.6250   0.0400
	Mo30         0.3825   0.5004   0.0383
	S31          0.9685   0.6246   0.9908
	S32          0.7190   0.5002   0.9895
	S33          0.9638   0.6251   0.0870
	S34          0.7157   0.4987   0.0855
	Mo35         0.6326   0.6250   0.0374
	Mo36         0.8819   0.4996   0.0385
	S37          0.4659   0.8754   0.9897
	S38          0.2149   0.7495   0.9917
	S39          0.4697   0.8738   0.0857
	S40          0.2194   0.7500   0.0877
	Mo41         0.1318   0.8750   0.0399
	Mo42         0.3827   0.7498   0.0380
	S43          0.9688   0.8757   0.9909
	S44          0.7191   0.7498   0.9895
	S45          0.9644   0.8750   0.0870
	S46          0.7164   0.7506   0.0858
	Mo47         0.6323   0.8750   0.0372
	Mo48         0.8820   0.7501   0.0384
	Bi1          0.2510   0.1074   0.2225
	Bi2          0.0842   0.2732   0.3011
	Cl3          0.0849   0.2714   0.1805
	Cl4          0.2514   0.1060   0.3434
	O5           0.2507   0.2725   0.2606
	O6           0.0844   0.1061   0.2629
	Bi7          0.5840   0.1073   0.2220
	Bi8          0.4179   0.2732   0.3005
	Cl9          0.4161   0.2714   0.1806
	Cl10         0.5846   0.1064   0.3431
	O11          0.5837   0.2725   0.2599
	O12          0.4182   0.1065   0.2624
	Bi13         0.9185   0.1075   0.2226
	Bi14         0.7504   0.2733   0.3001
	Cl15         0.7533   0.2703   0.1825
	Cl16         0.9166   0.1065   0.3434
	O17          0.9186   0.2724   0.2607
	O18          0.7508   0.1061   0.2623
	Bi19         0.2506   0.4403   0.2226
	Bi20         0.0848   0.6069   0.3010
	Cl21         0.0850   0.6040   0.1810
	Cl22         0.2516   0.4404   0.3436
	O23          0.2505   0.6061   0.2608
	O24          0.0842   0.4395   0.2631
	Bi25         0.5841   0.4407   0.2222
	Bi26         0.4181   0.6070   0.3002
	Cl27         0.4160   0.6028   0.1822
	Cl28         0.5845   0.4401   0.3432
	O29          0.5849   0.6061   0.2598
	O30          0.4181   0.4393   0.2626
	Bi31         0.9183   0.4409   0.2228
	Bi32         0.7508   0.6068   0.3005
	Cl33         0.7509   0.6039   0.1806
	Cl34         0.9170   0.4398   0.3436
	O35          0.9179   0.6063   0.2605
	O36          0.7507   0.4397   0.2626
	Bi37         0.2502   0.7742   0.2225
	Bi38         0.0843   0.9401   0.3009
	Cl39         0.0855   0.9354   0.1806
	Cl40         0.2521   0.7737   0.3435
	O41          0.2505   0.9394   0.2606
	O42          0.0844   0.7730   0.2629
	Bi43         0.5846   0.7736   0.2221
	Bi44         0.4181   0.9398   0.3002
	Cl45         0.4154   0.9382   0.1817
	Cl46         0.5842   0.7734   0.3431
	O47          0.5842   0.9394   0.2597
	O48          0.4181   0.7730   0.2624
	Bi49         0.9181   0.7740   0.2224
	Bi50         0.7506   0.9400   0.3001
	Cl51         0.7523   0.9375   0.1817
	Cl52         0.9172   0.7738   0.3433
	O53          0.9183   0.9391   0.2604
	O54          0.7504   0.7727   0.2623

Restarting from 750:Stage_1/CHGCAR

Restarting from 750:Stage_1/WAVECAR.txt

Using version 4.0 GGA-PBE / PAW potentials:
	S              	  PAW_PBE S 06Sep2000                    
	Mo sv          	  PAW_PBE Mo_sv 02Feb2006                
	Bi d           	  PAW_PBE Bi_d 06Sep2000                 
	Cl             	  PAW_PBE Cl 06Sep2000                   
	O              	  PAW_PBE O 08Apr2002