./Job.out output for 777: Layer_conf1_W_B_initial

Status: finished
[Tue Feb 18 14:48:34 SAST 2025] [MD] [warn] 'Starting MedeA Core 3.7.0'
MedeA version 3.7.0

#                This calculation has 1 stage

Stage 1: VASP 6

#                Running the calculation

Stage 1: VASP 6
Sucessfully opened MedeA database from /home/medea/MD/Databases/MedeA.db

1. Single point calculation
     Saved properties in this step: charge density
2. Calculate superposed atomic charge densities for difference charge density

VASP parameters
This is a calculation based on density functional theory and the GGA-PBE exchange-correlation functional for describing the interactions.
Van der Waals interactions are added by means of a forcefield (DFT+D3 approach of S. Grimme with Becke-Johnson-damping).

This is a non-magnetic calculation using 'normal' precision
and a user-defined planewave cutoff energy of 520.000 eV.

The electronic iterations convergence is 1.00E-06 eV using the Fast (Davidson and RMM-DIIS) algorithm
and reciprocal space projection operators.

The requested k-spacing is 0.5 per Angstrom, which leads to a 3x3x1 mesh.
This corresponds to actual k-spacings of 0.185 x 0.172 x 0.196 per Angstrom.
The k-mesh is forced to have an odd number of points in each direction.

Using Gaussian smearing with a width of 0.05 eV.

Other non-default parameters:
	Extrafine augmentation grid for accurate forces is TRUE
	Extra input is NPAR = 8
	(Pseudo, difference,
spin) charge density is TRUE
	Maximum iterations is 6

Cell parameters:
 Parameter    Value    
---------- ------------
         a    11.332600
         b    12.179700
         c    31.997100
     alpha    90.000000
      beta    90.000000
     gamma    90.000000

    Volume  4416.485103 Ang^3

Fractional Coordinates:
	Atom              Coordinates
	-----      -------- -------- --------
	S1           0.4344   0.1250   0.9967
	S2           0.1833   0.0000   0.9974
	S3           0.4348   0.1246   0.0949
	S4           0.1865   0.0005   0.0955
	W5           0.0995   0.1251   0.0468
	W6           0.3494   0.9998   0.0459
	S7           0.9339   0.1251   0.9981
	S8           0.6861   0.9996   0.9972
	S9           0.9349   0.1250   0.0964
	S10          0.6824   0.0007   0.0954
	W11          0.5991   0.1249   0.0458
	W12          0.8490   0.9998   0.0473
	S13          0.4346   0.3749   0.9966
	S14          0.1837   0.2500   0.9974
	S15          0.4345   0.3756   0.0948
	S16          0.1862   0.2497   0.0953
	W17          0.0994   0.3748   0.0469
	W18          0.3495   0.2499   0.0461
	S19          0.9341   0.3748   0.9980
	S20          0.6863   0.2502   0.9972
	S21          0.9348   0.3750   0.0964
	S22          0.6823   0.2497   0.0951
	W23          0.5993   0.3750   0.0459
	W24          0.8489   0.2500   0.0472
	S25          0.4348   0.6247   0.9965
	S26          0.1829   0.4999   0.9974
	S27          0.4340   0.6250   0.0944
	S28          0.1863   0.4994   0.0957
	W29          0.0990   0.6250   0.0472
	W30          0.3493   0.5000   0.0458
	S31          0.9345   0.6251   0.9981
	S32          0.6857   0.5003   0.9973
	S33          0.9347   0.6251   0.0964
	S34          0.6829   0.4992   0.0957
	W35          0.5992   0.6250   0.0463
	W36          0.8493   0.5002   0.0472
	S37          0.4348   0.8752   0.9965
	S38          0.1824   0.7500   0.9974
	S39          0.4341   0.8745   0.0946
	S40          0.1864   0.7501   0.0960
	W41          0.0992   0.8750   0.0471
	W42          0.3488   0.7502   0.0456
	S43          0.9343   0.8749   0.9981
	S44          0.6857   0.7499   0.9974
	S45          0.9348   0.8749   0.0965
	S46          0.6830   0.7503   0.0959
	W47          0.5992   0.8750   0.0461
	W48          0.8494   0.7498   0.0473

Using version 4.0 GGA-PBE / PAW potentials:
	S              	  PAW_PBE S 06Sep2000                    
	W sv           	  PAW_PBE W_sv 04Sep2015                 

There are 5 symmetry-unique k-points
The plane wave cutoff is 520.00 eV

               !!!! WARNING MESSAGES !!!!

WARNING: The convergence criterion for the electronic energy is not met after  6 iterations! 
         Whether the electronic energy is sufficiently converged can be assessed from VASP.out or OSZICAR.out.


   VASP energy:            -393.558090 eV for W16S32 cell

   Non-dispersive:         -378.638110 eV
   Van der Waals:           -14.919980 eV

Electronic contributions:
                          Empirical Formula          Cell
                                   WS2         (WS2)16
                          ----------------- -----------------
              VASP Energy         -24.597381     -393.558090 eV
                        =       -2373.286      -37972.574 kJ/mol

        Density:     1.492 Mg/m^3

   The pressure given below is exerted by the system according to its volume.
   Positive pressure would cause expansion during full geometry optimization.
       Pressure:     1.666 GPa
               =    16.660 kbar

                      XX        YY        ZZ        YZ        XZ        XY
         Stress:     0.419    -1.627    -3.790    -0.007     0.000    -0.004 GPa
               =     4.193   -16.272   -37.900    -0.066     0.003    -0.038 kbar
   The stress tensor above is imposed on the system, i.e. negative values of diagonal components 
   would cause expansion of the corresponding lattice parameter upon full geometry optimization.
   The pressure and stress include only electronic terms, i.e. the vibrational,
   temperature and other terms are not included here.

Analytic Derivatives:
	Atom         Derivatives fractional      Derivatives Cartesian (eV/Ang)
	-----      -------- -------- --------    -------- -------- --------
	S1          -0.0076   0.0022  -0.0123	  -0.0861   0.0265  -0.3951
	S2          -0.0082  -0.0025  -0.0119	  -0.0932  -0.0300  -0.3813
	S3          -0.0045   0.0016   0.0141	  -0.0513   0.0200   0.4499
	S4          -0.0089  -0.0040   0.0161	  -0.1009  -0.0482   0.5142
	W5           0.0050  -0.0015  -0.0033	   0.0568  -0.0177  -0.1045
	W6           0.0125   0.0038  -0.0026	   0.1414   0.0462  -0.0831
	S7          -0.0043  -0.0022  -0.0126	  -0.0490  -0.0263  -0.4037
	S8          -0.0048   0.0002  -0.0131	  -0.0550   0.0022  -0.4196
	S9          -0.0067   0.0012   0.0110	  -0.0757   0.0147   0.3530
	S10         -0.0024  -0.0038   0.0153	  -0.0275  -0.0463   0.4902
	W11          0.0082   0.0010   0.0012	   0.0931   0.0127   0.0399
	W12          0.0178   0.0038  -0.0039	   0.2018   0.0459  -0.1258
	S13         -0.0075  -0.0024  -0.0119	  -0.0851  -0.0298  -0.3811
	S14         -0.0081   0.0009  -0.0121	  -0.0923   0.0113  -0.3866
	S15         -0.0036  -0.0048   0.0165	  -0.0411  -0.0583   0.5285
	S16         -0.0071   0.0030   0.0189	  -0.0802   0.0364   0.6032
	W17          0.0071   0.0023  -0.0043	   0.0804   0.0283  -0.1387
	W18          0.0162   0.0020  -0.0053	   0.1831   0.0247  -0.1709
	S19         -0.0039   0.0025  -0.0111	  -0.0443   0.0301  -0.3551
	S20         -0.0098  -0.0043  -0.0143	  -0.1109  -0.0529  -0.4578
	S21         -0.0075   0.0001   0.0113	  -0.0855   0.0014   0.3617
	S22         -0.0008   0.0025   0.0169	  -0.0096   0.0301   0.5423
	W23          0.0084  -0.0013  -0.0001	   0.0953  -0.0161  -0.0039
	W24          0.0175  -0.0023  -0.0027	   0.1987  -0.0286  -0.0875
	S25         -0.0060   0.0026  -0.0106	  -0.0680   0.0321  -0.3381
	S26         -0.0081   0.0028  -0.0109	  -0.0922   0.0343  -0.3497
	S27         -0.0086   0.0030   0.0203	  -0.0972   0.0366   0.6511   maximum gradient = 0.6593
	S28         -0.0073   0.0031   0.0136	  -0.0826   0.0381   0.4346
	W29          0.0206  -0.0019  -0.0044	   0.2337  -0.0235  -0.1412
	W30          0.0038  -0.0015  -0.0024	   0.0434  -0.0185  -0.0778
	S31         -0.0076  -0.0021  -0.0132	  -0.0858  -0.0251  -0.4215
	S32         -0.0032   0.0007  -0.0115	  -0.0360   0.0081  -0.3678
	S33         -0.0074  -0.0003   0.0139	  -0.0833  -0.0031   0.4437
	S34         -0.0052   0.0076   0.0120	  -0.0585   0.0927   0.3828
	W35          0.0152  -0.0004  -0.0019	   0.1727  -0.0051  -0.0600
	W36          0.0121  -0.0058  -0.0025	   0.1369  -0.0709  -0.0793
	S37         -0.0066  -0.0009  -0.0111	  -0.0749  -0.0107  -0.3568
	S38         -0.0051  -0.0013  -0.0114	  -0.0584  -0.0156  -0.3649
	S39         -0.0051   0.0021   0.0187	  -0.0582   0.0258   0.5985
	S40         -0.0073  -0.0006   0.0110	  -0.0832  -0.0070   0.3504
	W41          0.0128   0.0011  -0.0041	   0.1450   0.0138  -0.1308
	W42          0.0144  -0.0055  -0.0002	   0.1632  -0.0672  -0.0065
	S43         -0.0046  -0.0021  -0.0125	  -0.0519  -0.0260  -0.4006
	S44         -0.0023   0.0002  -0.0114	  -0.0258   0.0018  -0.3656
	S45         -0.0054   0.0019   0.0130	  -0.0611   0.0226   0.4149
	S46         -0.0057  -0.0028   0.0091	  -0.0645  -0.0344   0.2924
	W47          0.0124  -0.0024  -0.0004	   0.1405  -0.0294  -0.0117
	W48          0.0074   0.0045  -0.0026	   0.0836   0.0543  -0.0845

Atomic partial charges (electron charges):
	Atom           s        p        d     total 
	-----      -------- -------- -------- --------
	S1            1.186    2.027    0.065    3.279
	S2            1.186    2.024    0.066    3.276
	S3            1.186    2.028    0.067    3.281
	S4            1.186    2.031    0.067    3.284
	W5            2.193    6.106    2.964   11.263
	W6            2.194    6.107    2.965   11.266
	S7            1.186    2.026    0.066    3.279
	S8            1.186    2.027    0.066    3.279
	S9            1.186    2.024    0.065    3.275
	S10           1.186    2.030    0.067    3.283
	W11           2.194    6.107    2.968   11.269
	W12           2.193    6.105    2.963   11.262
	S13           1.186    2.026    0.065    3.277
	S14           1.186    2.024    0.066    3.276
	S15           1.186    2.031    0.067    3.284
	S16           1.186    2.034    0.068    3.288
	W17           2.193    6.106    2.966   11.265
	W18           2.193    6.106    2.965   11.264
	S19           1.186    2.023    0.066    3.276
	S20           1.186    2.028    0.066    3.280
	S21           1.186    2.025    0.065    3.277
	S22           1.186    2.032    0.068    3.286
	W23           2.193    6.107    2.964   11.264
	W24           2.193    6.106    2.968   11.267
	S25           1.186    2.022    0.065    3.273
	S26           1.186    2.023    0.066    3.275
	S27           1.186    2.035    0.069    3.290
	S28           1.186    2.027    0.066    3.280
	W29           2.192    6.105    2.962   11.260
	W30           2.194    6.107    2.964   11.265
	S31           1.187    2.026    0.067    3.280
	S32           1.186    2.024    0.066    3.277
	S33           1.186    2.028    0.066    3.280
	S34           1.186    2.025    0.066    3.277
	W35           2.193    6.105    2.965   11.264
	W36           2.193    6.105    2.965   11.263
	S37           1.186    2.023    0.065    3.274
	S38           1.186    2.025    0.066    3.277
	S39           1.186    2.034    0.068    3.288
	S40           1.186    2.024    0.065    3.276
	W41           2.193    6.105    2.961   11.259
	W42           2.193    6.106    2.965   11.264
	S43           1.186    2.026    0.066    3.279
	S44           1.187    2.024    0.066    3.276
	S45           1.186    2.026    0.065    3.278
	S46           1.186    2.023    0.065    3.274
	W47           2.193    6.106    2.964   11.263
	W48           2.193    6.105    2.962   11.260

Analysis of the electronic structure:
	The system is a semiconductor with an indirect gap of 1.746 eV.
	   The valence band (#208) maximum is located near (0.00 0.00 0.00), at -0.341 eV with respect to the Fermi level.
	The conduction band (#209) minimum is located near (0.00 0.33 0.00), at  1.405 eV with respect to the Fermi level.
	The center of the gap is located at 0.532152 eV with respect to the Fermi level.
	The Fermi energy is used as the zero of the energy scale.


Job completed on Tue 18 February 2025 at 15:21:01 SAST after 1935 s (0:32:15)

Entire job completed on Tue 18 February 2025 at 15:21:02 SAST after 1937 s (0:32:17)
and running 2 tasks.