Listing of Directory /Files/596/Stage_1/

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CHGCAR                   28705054 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:22:32
CONTCAR                      4274 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:20:00
DFT CHGCAR               28705054 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 19:36:19
DFT CONTCAR                  4274 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 19:33:38
DFT EIGENVAL                50365 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 19:33:38
DFT ERROR.out                2102 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 19:36:19
DFT IBZKPT                    357 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 19:33:38
DFT INCAR                     682 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 19:33:38
DFT OSZICAR.out              1784 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 19:33:38
DFT OUTCAR.out             138146 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 19:33:38
DFT PROCAR                2069780 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 19:33:40
DFT stdout                   1662 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 19:33:38
DFT VASP.out                64091 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 19:33:38  6525285 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:40:38    474257 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:40:39
DFT_final.sci                5380 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 19:36:20
DFTDOS DOSCAR             9254757 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:33:16
DFTDOS EIGENVAL            150205 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:33:16
DFTDOS ERROR.out             2102 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:40:20
DFTDOS IBZKPT                 357 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:33:16
DFTDOS INCAR                  732 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:33:16
DFTDOS OSZICAR.out            696 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:33:10
DFTDOS OUTCAR.out          327632 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:33:10
DFTDOS PROCAR             6207764 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:33:20
DFTDOS stdout                1623 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:33:10
DFTDOS VASP.out             64149 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:33:10
DFTDOS vasprun.xml       22515019 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:40:32
DOS INCAR                     737 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:40:39
DOS KPOINTS                    55 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:40:39
DOS POSCAR                   2379 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:40:39
DOS POTCAR                 685992 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:40:39
DOS script                   2030 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:40:39
EIGENVAL                    50365 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:20:00
ERROR.out                    2102 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:22:32
final.sci                    5380 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:22:33
IBZKPT                        357 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:20:00
INCAR                         733 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:20:00
initial.sci                  5380 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 18:15:48
KPOINTS                        55 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 19:36:21
OSZICAR.out                  1337 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:19:59
OUTCAR.out                 129017 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:19:59
POSCAR                       2379 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 19:36:21
POTCAR                     685992 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 19:36:21
PROCAR                    2069780 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:20:01
script                       2646 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 19:36:21
stdout                       1782 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:19:59
VASP.out                    65595 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:19:59
WAVECAR.txt              895602091 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:40:20
WAVECAR.txt_ORIG         286768395 bytes  Sep 28, 2024 04:22:19