[Fri Sep 27 07:05:21 SAST 2024] [MD] [warn] 'Starting MedeA Core 3.7.0' Opening the database Sucessfully opened MedeA database from /home/medea/MD/Databases/MedeA.db Nudged Elastic Band for mapping the minimum energy path between the initial system M564-neb0_image02_iter63_CONTCAR.cif and the final system M564-neb0_image04_iter63_CONTCAR.cif with 5 intermediate images and a spring constant of 5 eV/Ang^2 and 1 refinement steps. The image closest to a saddle point is allowed to climb up into the saddle point if the largest force on an atom is smaller than 1.0 eV/Ang. The initial images are created from specified systems. In a second step, transition states are searched for all identified saddle points by the Elastic Band Methods. In a last step, optimization of transition states by the RMM-DIIS algorithm is attempted. Optimization parameters for the first step: Convergence: 1.0 eV/Ang Number of steps: 100 Diagonal elements of the inverse Hessian are initially set to 0.001 Ang^2/eV. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VASP parameters =============== This is a calculation based on density functional theory and the GGA-PBE exchange-correlation functional for describing the interactions. Van der Waals interactions are added by means of a forcefield (DFT+D3 approach of S. Grimme with Becke-Johnson-damping). This is a spin-polarized magnetic calculation using 'accurate' precision and a default planewave cutoff energy of 400.000 eV. The electronic iterations convergence is 1.00E-05 eV using the Fast (Davidson and RMM-DIIS) algorithm and reciprocal space projection operators. Explicit k-mesh of 3x3x1 used This corresponds to actual k-spacings of 0.218 x 0.218 x 0.216 per Angstrom. The k-mesh is forced to be centered on the gamma point. Symmetry is not used, i.e. the k-point set is not reduced and symmetrizations do not occur. Using first order Methfessel-Paxton smearing with a width of 0.05 eV. Other non-default parameters: Extrafine augmentation grid for accurate forces is TRUE Extra input is GGA = PE NCORE = 16 NPAR = 8 EDIFFG = -1.0e-02 SYSTEM = 1 PREC = Accurate ENCUT = 400.000 IBRION = -1 NSW = 0 ISIF = 2 NELMIN = 2 EDIFF = 1.0e-05 VOSKOWN = 1 NBLOCK = 1 ISYM = 0 NELM = 200 ALGO = Fast (Davidson and RMM-DIIS) IVDW = 12 VDW_S6 = 1.000 VDW_S8 = 0.7875 VDW_A1 = 0.4289 VDW_A2 = 4.4407 ISPIN = 2 INIWAV = 1 ISTART = 0 ICHARG = 2 LWAVE = .FALSE. LCHARG = .FALSE. ADDGRID = .TRUE. ISMEAR = 1 SIGMA = 0.05 LREAL = .FALSE. LSCALAPACK = .FALSE. RWIGS = 1.30 1.02 0.32 0.73 NWRITE = 2 POTIM = 0.1 IDIPOL = 3 LDIPOL = .TRUE. Do not use symmetry is TRUE Smearing width is 0.05 eV ========================================== Using version 4.0 GGA-PBE / PAW potentials: Pt PAW_PBE Pt 04Feb2005 H PAW_PBE H 15Jun2001 O PAW_PBE O 08Apr2002 S PAW_PBE S 06Sep2000 Error: VASP failed. Please check neb0_image00_VASP.out and neb0_image00_OUTCAR.out for the reason. while executing "error "VASP failed. Please check $vaspoutname and $filename for the reason."" (object "::parser0" method "::VASP6::Parser::OUTCAR" body line 36) invoked from within "$parser OUTCAR "${label}_OUTCAR.out"" Error: VASP failed. Please check neb0_image06_VASP.out and neb0_image06_OUTCAR.out for the reason. while executing "error "VASP failed. Please check $vaspoutname and $filename for the reason."" (object "::parser1" method "::VASP6::Parser::OUTCAR" body line 36) invoked from within "$parser OUTCAR "${label}_OUTCAR.out"" Total and image energies below are given with respect to the energy of the initial boundary image in kJ/mol per cell