This is the MedeA Documentation for the 3.7 release.
Chapter 1 describes the installation and configuration of MedeA components on your computing resources.
Chapter 2 describes the usage of the MedeA Environment and its modules and functionalities.
Chapter 3 describes the theoretical background of the simulation methods that MedeA utilizes.
Chapter 4 is the appendix providing supplementary information.
Table of Contents:
Installation and Configuration
1.1. Overview of MedeA Installation
1.2. Requirements and Installation Scenarios
1.3. Using the Materials Design Maintenance Program
1.4. Installing MedeA on Windows with the Windows Installer
1.5. Installing MedeA on Windows and Linux from ISO
1.6. Updating an Existing MedeA Installation
1.7. JobServer and TaskServer Administration and Configuration
1.8. Configuring JobServer and TaskServer for Clusters and HPC
1.9. Adding Resources to Your MedeA Installation
Functionality and Use
2.1. MedeA Software Environment Overview
2.2. MedeA InfoMaticA: Rapid Access to Comprehensive Experimental Structure Data
2.3. MSI Phase Diagrams and NOMAD Database
2.4. Building and Editing Structures with MedeA
2.5. MedeA Builders: Building Complex Structures with Ease
2.6. MedeA Structure List Editor: Manage Your Structure Repository With Properties
2.7. MedeA Flowcharts: Design and Automate Simulation Workflows
2.11. Automated Convergence: Find Converged VASP Settings Automatically
2.12. MedeA Analysis: Visualizing and Analyzing Simulation Results
2.13. MedeA Electronics: What the Electrons at the Fermi Sea Can Tell Us
2.14. MedeA Phonon: Capture Relevant Temperatures, Predict Infrared and Raman Spectra
2.16. MedeA TSS: Reaction and Diffusion Pathways, Transition States, and Activation Barriers
2.18. MedeA GIBBS: The Reference Approach for Fluid Properties and Sorption
2.20. MedeA Gaussian: Expanding the Limits of Computational Chemistry
2.21. MedeA Forcefields Bundle: Access to the Most Accurate Forcefields
2.22. MedeA LAMMPS: A Powerful Gateway to a Powerful Molecular Dynamics Program
2.23. MedeA Thermal Conductivity: Reliable Heat Transport Properties from Classical Simulations
2.24. MedeA Viscosity: Reliable Momentum Transport Properties from Classical Simulations
2.25. MedeA Diffusion: Reliable Mass Transport Properties from Classical Simulations
2.27. MedeA FFO: Efficient Forcefield Parameter Optimization using First
2.28. MedeA MLPG: Generating Machine-Learned Potentials from First Principles Data
2.29. MedeA Fitting Data Manager: Create a training set for the MLPG
2.30. MedeA HT: High Value from High
2.31. MedeA QT: An Interactive QSPR Toolbox
2.32. MedeA P3C: Polymer Property Prediction Using Correlations
2.33. MedeA QSPR: Property Prediction Using Group Contributions
2.34. MedeA UNIFAC: Activity coefficient prediction using UNIFAC
2.35. MedeA Morphology: From Atomic Arrangement to Crystal Shape
2.36. MedeA Deformation: Deformation and Fracture beyond the Elastic Regime
Theoretical Background