2.36. MedeA UNIFAC: Activity Coefficient Prediction Using UNIFAC
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2.36.1. Key Benefits of MedeA UNIFAC
- Determination of geometric descriptors for organic molecules
- Evaluation of activity coefficients for binary mixtures based on Group contributions
2.36.2. Introduction
The UNIFAC method (UNIQUAC Functional-group Activity Coefficients) [1] is a group-contribution method for the prediction of activity coefficients in non-electrolyte liquid mixtures. UNIFAC uses the functional groups present in the molecules that make up the liquid mixture, to calculate the activity coefficients based on an extension of the quasi chemical theory of liquid mixtures (UNIQUAC). By using interactions for each of the functional groups present on the molecules, as well as some binary interaction coefficients, the activity of each of the solutions can be calculated. This information can be used to obtain information on liquid equilibria, which is useful in many thermodynamic calculations, such as chemical reactor design, and distillation calculations.
The UNIFAC model was first published in 1975 by Fredenslund, Jones and Prausnitz, a group of chemical engineering researchers from the University of California. Subsequently, they and other authors have published a wide range of UNIFAC papers, extending the capabilities of the model by the development of new or the revision of existing UNIFAC model parameters.
MedeA UNIFAC uses the original UNIFAC description and parameters, as published from 1975 to 2003 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]. The method and the groups used are described in the rest of this section.
2.36.3. Method
In a multicomponent mixture, the UNIQUAC equation for the activity coefficient of (molecular) component i is:
where \(x_{i}\) is the mole fraction of component i, and the summations in equations (2) and (3) are over all components, including component i; \(\theta_{i}\) is the area fraction, and \(\Phi_{i}\) is the segment fraction which is similar to the volume fraction. Pure component parameters \(r_{i}\) and \(q_{i}\) are, respectively, measures of molecular van der Waals volumes and molecular surface areas.
Parameters \(r_{i}\) and \(q_{i}\) are calculated as the sum of the group volume and area parameters \(R_{k}\) and \(Q_{k}\), given in table Table 46:
where \(\nu_{k}^{i}\), always an integer, is the number of groups of type k in molecule i.
The residual part of the activity coefficient, Eq. (3), is replaced by the solution-of-groups concept. Instead of (3), we write:
where \(\Gamma_{k}\) is the group residual activity coefficient, and \(\Gamma_{k}^{(i)}\) is the residual activity coefficient of group k in a reference solution containing only molecules of type i.
In Eq. (5) the term \(\ln{\Gamma_{k}^{(i)}}\) is necessary to attain the normalization that activity coefficient \(\gamma_{i}\) becomes unity as \(x_{i} \rightarrow 1\).
The group activity coefficient \(\Gamma_{k}\) is found from an expression similar to Eq. (3):
Eq. (6) also holds for \(\ln{\Gamma_{k}^{(i)}}\). In Eq. (5), \(\Theta_{m}\) is the area fraction of group m, and the sums are overl all different groups. \(\Theta_{m}\) is calculated in a manner similar to that for \(\theta_{i}\):
where \(X_{m}\) is the mole fraction of group m in the mixture.
The group interaction parameter \(\Phi_{mn}\) is given by:
where \(U_{mn}\) is a measure of the energy of interaction between groups m and n. The group-interaction parameters \(\alpha_{mn}\) (two parameters per binary mixture of groups) are the parameters that have been evaluated from experimental phase equilibrium data.
\(\alpha_{mn}\) has units of degrees Kelvin and \(\alpha_{mn} \ne \alpha_{nm}\).
The UNIQUAC model also serves as the basis of the development of the group contribution method UNIFAC, where molecules are subdivided into functional groups. In fact, UNIQUAC is equal to UNIFAC for mixtures of molecules, which are not subdivided; e.g. the binary systems water-methanol, methanol-acryonitrile and formaldehyde-DMF.
2.36.4. UNIFAC groups
Group | Subgroup | Name | Description |
1 | |||
1A | CH3 | end group of hydrocarbon chain | |
1B | CH2 | middle group in hydrocarbon chain | |
1C | CH | middle group in hydrocarbon chain | |
1D | C | middle C in hydrocarbon chain | |
2 | |||
2A | CH2=CH2 | α-olefins, CH2=CH group | |
2B | CH=CH | olefin CH=CH group | |
2C | CH=C | olefin CH=C group | |
2D | CH2=C | α-olefins, CH2=C group | |
2E | C=C | α-olefins, C=C group | |
3 | |||
3A | ACH | aromatic carbon group | |
3B | AC | aromatic carbon with a branch | |
4 | |||
4A | ACCH3 | toluene group | |
4B | ACCH2 | aromatic carbon - alkane group: general case | |
4C | ACCH | aromatic carbon bonded to a CH group | |
5 | |||
5A | OH | OH in alcohols | |
6 | |||
6A | CH3OH | methanol | |
7 | |||
7A | H2O | water | |
8 | |||
8A | ACOH | aromatic carbon-alcohol group | |
9 | |||
9A | CH3CO | carbonyl group in ketones, includes nearest CH3 | |
9B | CH2CO | carbonyl group in ketones, includes nearest CH2 | |
10 | |||
10A | CHO | aldehyde group | |
11 | |||
11A | CH3COO | ester group, including CH3 bonded with carbonyl C | |
11B | CH2COO | ester group, including CH2 bonded with carbonyl C | |
12 | |||
12A | HCOO | formate group | |
13 | |||
13A | CH3O | O, in ethers, including nearest CH3 | |
13B | CH2O | O, in ethers, including nearest CH2 | |
13C | CHO | O, in ethers, including nearest CH | |
13D | THF | tetrahydrofuran | |
14 | |||
14A | CH3NH2 | methylamine | |
14B | CH2NH2 | primary amine group, includes nearest CH2 | |
14C | CHNH2 | primary amine group, includes nearest CH | |
15 | |||
15A | CH3NH | secondary amine group, includes nearest CH3 | |
15B | CH2NH | secondary amine group, includes nearest CH2 | |
15C | CHNH | secondary amine group, includes nearest CH | |
16 | |||
16A | CH3N | tetriary amine group, includes nearest CH3 | |
16B | CH2N | tertiary amine group, includes nearest CH2 | |
17 | |||
17A | ACNH2 | aromatic carbon-amine group | |
18 | |||
18A | C5H5N | pyridine | |
18B | C5H4N | pyrridine with 1 branch | |
18C | C5H3N | pyrridine with 2 branches | |
19 | |||
19A | CH3CN | nitrile group, includes nearest CH3 | |
19B | CH2CN | nitrile group, includes nearest CH2 | |
20 | |||
20A | COOH | carboxyl group | |
20B | HCOOH | formic acid | |
21 | |||
21A | CH2CL | chlorine, includes nearest CH2 group | |
21B | CHCL | chlorine, includes nearest CH group | |
21C | CCL | chlorine, includes nearest C group | |
22 | |||
22A | CH2CL2 | CH2Cl2 group | |
22B | CHCL2 | CHCl2 group | |
22C | CCL2 | CCl2 group | |
23 | |||
23A | CHCL3 | chloroform | |
23B | CCL3 | CCl3 group | |
24 | |||
24A | CCL4 | tetrachloro-methane | |
25 | |||
25A | ACCL | aromatic carbon-chloride group | |
26 | |||
26A | CH3NO2 | nitro group, includes nearest CH3 | |
26B | CH2NO2 | nitro group, includes nearest CH2 | |
26C | CHNO2 | nitro group, includes nearest CH | |
27 | |||
27A | ACNO2 | nitro group attached to an aromatic carbon | |
28 | |||
28A | CS2 | carbon disulfide | |
29 | |||
29A | CH3SH | methanethiol | |
29B | CH2SH | thiol, includes nearest CH2 group | |
30 | |||
30A | FURFURAL | furfural | |
31 | |||
31A | DOH | two CH2OH groups | |
32 | |||
32A | I | iodine | |
33 | |||
33A | Br | bromine | |
34 | |||
34A | CH=-C | α-alkynes | |
34B | C=-C | alkynes (triple bond not in α position) | |
35 | |||
35A | DMSO | dimethylsulfoxide | |
36 | |||
36A | ACRY | acrylonitrile | |
37 | |||
37A | Cl(C=C) | chloro-olefins, includes C=C group | |
38 | |||
38A | ACF | aromatic carbon-fluorine group | |
39 | |||
39A | DMF | dimethylformamide | |
39B | HCON(CH2)2 | ||
40 | |||
40A | CF3 | CF3 group | |
40B | CF2 | CF2 group | |
40C | CF | CF group | |
41 | |||
41A | COO | ester group (recommended for acrylates and benzoates) | |
42 | |||
42A | SIH3 | methylsilane | |
42B | SIH2 | silanes (only SiH2 group) | |
42C | SIH | ||
42D | SI | ||
43 | |||
43A | SIH2O | ||
43B | SIHO | ||
43C | SIO | ||
44 | |||
44A | NMP | N-methylpyrrolidone | |
45 | |||
45A | CCL3F | trochlorofluoromethane | |
45B | CCL2F | ||
45C | HCCL2F | ||
45D | HCCLF | ||
45E | CCLF2 | ||
45F | HCCLF2 | ||
45G | CCLF3 | ||
45H | CCL2F2 | ||
46 | |||
46A | CONH2 | ||
46B | CONHCH3 | ||
46C | CONHCH2 | ||
46D | CON(CH3)2 | ||
46E | CONCH3CH2 | ||
46F | CON(CH2)2 | ||
47 | |||
47A | C2H5O2 | ||
47B | C2H4O2 | ||
48 | |||
48A | CH3S | sulfide, includes one nearest CH3 group | |
48B | CH2S | sulfide, includes one nearest CH2 group | |
48C | CHS | sulfide, includes one nearest CH group | |
49 | |||
49A | MORPH | morpholine | |
50 | |||
50A | C4H4S | thiophene | |
50B | C4H3S | thiophene with 1 branch | |
50C | C4H2S | thiophene with 2 branches | |
51 | |||
51A | NCO | ||
55 | |||
55A | (CH2)2SU | ||
55B | CH2CHSU | ||
84 | |||
84A | IMIDAZOL | ||
85 | |||
85A | BTI |
2.36.5. Activity coefficients calculation
MedeA UNIFAC is an interactive tool, providing an easy and quick calculation of activity coefficients of binary mixtures.
The UNIFAC GUI can be accessed through Tools >> UNIFAC. The two components can be added directly from MedeA or from a saved file and the activity coefficients are calculated for the binary mixture at either constant temperature or constant composition.
At constant temperature, a range of compositions can be explored, providing the lower and upper limits of the composition range (in molar fraction) and the composition increment.
At constant composition, a range of temperatures can be explored, providing the lower and upper limits of the temperature range (in Kelvin, Celsius or Fahrenheit) and the temperature increment.
The output comprises:
- a table with data for temperature, composition and activity coefficients
- csv and/or txt formated output of the table
- a graph that can be viewed from within MedeA
For example, at a constant temperature, for a mixture of water and ethanol the MedeA UNIFAC GUI reports the table with all data on activity coefficients:

A graph is available, showing the activity coefficients as a function of the molecular fraction:

[1] | (1, 2) A. Fredenslund, R. L. Jones, J. M. Prausnitz, “Group-Contribution Estimation of Activity Coefficients in Nonideal Liquid Mixtures”, AIChE Journal 21, p. 1086 (1975) |
[2] | S. Skjold-Jorgensen, B. Kolbe, J. Gmehling and P. Rasmussen, “Vapor-Liquid Equilibria by UNIFAC Group Contribution. Revision and Extension”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev. 18, p. 714, (1979) |
[3] | J. Gmehling, P. Rasmussen and A. Fredenslund, “Vapor=Liquid Equilibria by UNIFAC Group Contribution. Revision and Extension. 2”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev. 21, p. 118 (1982) |
[4] | E. A. Macedo, U. Weidlich, J. Gmehling and P. Rasmussen, “Vapor-liquid equilibriums by UNIFAC group contribution. Revision and extension. 3”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev. 2, p. 676 (1983) |
[5] | D. Tiegs, J. Gmehling, P. Rasmussen, A. Fredenslund, “Vapor-Liquid Equilibria by UNIFAC Group Contribution. 4. Revision and Extension”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 26, p. 159 (1987) |
[6] | H. K. Hansen, P. Rasmussen, A. Fredenslund, M. Schiller, J. Gmehling, “Vapor-Liquid Equilibria by UNIFAC Group Contribution. 5. Revision and Extension”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res 30, p. 2352 (1991 |
[7] | R. Wittig, J. Lohmann, J. Gmehling, “Vapor-Liquid Equilibria by UNIFAC Group Contribution. 6. Revision and Extension”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 42, p. 183 (2003) |
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