4.2. Standards and Reference Energies


4.2.1. The MedeA Standard 500

MedeA has introduced a standard for the Precision of VASP calculations, automatically applying the directive PREC = Accurate and a plane wave cutoff of 500 eV (900 eV for hard potentials with ENMAX > 450 eV). The MedeA VASP GUI option Standard 500 is recommended in cases where an overall precise plane cutoff and setting is required for a single system or for a range of systems with varying constituent elements. Using a standard cutoff of 500eV within a project has the advantage of facilitating the comparison of data from compounds containing different elements like e.g. in the calculation of heat of formations or defect energies.

VASP parameters covered by :highlightgray:`Precision` `Standard 500`:

  • Precision accurate
  • Planewave cutoff 500eV (900 eV for hard potentials with ENMAX > 450 eV)

VASP parameters recommended to be set in addition, to comply with `Standard 500`:

  • Reciprocal space projection
  • Convergence criterion for SCF cycle: 10-7 eV
  • Convergence criterion for geometry optimization: 0.001 eV/\({\mathring{\mathrm{A}}}\)
  • Conjugate gradient geometry optimization

For crystalline structures:

  • k-spacing of 0.2 \({\mathring{\mathrm{A}}}\)-1, Shift origin to Gamma
  • For non-local exchange based functionals (e.g. hybrid functionals): k-spacing of 0.5 \({\mathring{\mathrm{A}}}\)-1, shift origin to Gamma, X, Y, and Z axis k-mesh factors all set to 2
  • Tetrahedron method including Bl\({\ddot{\mathrm o}}\)chl corrections

For molecular structures:

  • Box ensuring a minimum of about 8 \({\mathring{\mathrm{A}}}\) empty space between the molecule and its symmetry copies in all directions
  • \({\Gamma}\)-point only
  • Fermi smearing with 0 eV smearing width

4.2.2. Reference Energies for the Calculation of the Heat of Formation

The computation of the electronic contribution to heats of formation for compounds requires reference energies for all constituent elements in their standard state. Below is a list of model structures for all elements in their standard state, which is applied for calculating the Energy of formation as a property from the MedeA VASP 6 GUI. For a few cases the standard state structure is replaced by a different structure together with a correction energy. For the structure optimization calculations for the reference systems, in general a non-magnetic Hamiltonian is used, however, spin-polarization is required for O2, Cr(antiferromagnetic), \({\gamma}\)-Mn(antiferromagnetic), Fe, Co, Ni, and lanthanides heavier than Ce for potentials including f electrons as valence states. For solids, all cell parameters and internal degrees of freedom need to be relaxed. For atoms and molecules a fixed box of 10 \({\mathring{\mathrm{A}}}\) in each dimension is used (for S8 molecules a cubic box of 15 \({\mathring{\mathrm{A}}}\)), for molecules the atomic positions need to be relaxed. For computing energies of formation, the application of Standard 500 settings as outlined above are recommended to obtain suitable accuracy.

Table 49 Summary of models and technical details for the calculations of reference energies of the elements
Elements Structure Correction, techn. details
H H2 molecule  
He He atom  
Li bcc  
Be \({\alpha}\)-Be, hcp  
B \({\alpha}\)-B, R-3m  
C diamond, Fd-3m -1.897 kJ/mol, because graphite is low temperature phase
N N2 molecule  
O O2 molecule spin-polarized, because molecule exists in triplet state
F F2 molecule  
N Ne atom  
Na bcc  
Mg hcp  
Al fcc  
Si Fd-3m  
P Cmca, black phosphorus  
S S8 molecule -13.04875 kJ/mol, condensation
Cl Cl2 molecule  
Ar Ar atom  
K bcc  
Ca \({\alpha}\)-Ca, fcc  
Sc \({\alpha}\)-Sc, hcp  
Ti \({\alpha}\)-Ti, hcp  
V bcc  
Cr \({\alpha}\)-Cr, bcc, antiferromagnetic spin-polarized
Mn \({\gamma}\)-Mn P4/mmm, antiferromagnetic -4.348 kJ/mol = \({\alpha}\)-Mn, spin-polarized
Fe \({\alpha}\)-Fe, bcc spin-polarized
Co \({\beta}\)-Co, hcp spin-polarized
Ni fcc spin-polarized
Cu fcc  
Zn hcp  
Ga \({\alpha}\)-Ga, Cmca  
Ge Fd-3m  
As R-3m grey metallic
Se P3121 grey metallic
Br Br2 molecule -22.85 kJ/mol, condensation
Kr Kr atom  
Rb bcc  
Sr \({\alpha}\)-Sr, fcc  
Y hcp  
Zr \({\alpha}\)-Zr, hcp  
Nb bcc  
Mo bcc  
Tc hcp  
Ru hcp  
Rh fcc  
Pd fcc  
Ag fcc  
Cd hcp  
In I4/mmm  
Sn \({\alpha}\)-Sn, Fd-3m transition temperature of 286 K to \({\beta}\)-Sn, I41/amd
Sb R-3m  
Te P3121  
I Cmca  
Xe Xe atom  
Cs bcc  
Ba bcc  
La \({\alpha}\)-La, dhcp  
Ce \({\gamma}\)-Ce, fcc  
Pr dhcp  
Nd dhcp  
Pm dhcp  
Sm R-3m  
Eu bcc  
Gd hcp  
Tb hcp  
Dy hcp  
Ho hcp  
Er hcp  
Tm hcp  
Yb fcc  
Lu hcp  
Hf hcp  
Ta \({\alpha}\)-Ta, bcc  
W \({\alpha}\)-W, bcc  
Re hcp  
Os hcp  
Ir fcc  
Pt fcc  
Au fcc  
Hg R-3m 2.3 kJ/mol melting (JANAF)
Tl \({\alpha}\)-Tl, hcp  
Pb fcc  
Bi R-3m  
Po Pm-3m  
At no structure  
Rn Rn atom  
Fr no structure  
Ra bcc  
Ac fcc  
Th \({\alpha}\)-Th, fcc  
Pa I4/mmm  
U \({\alpha}\)-U, Cmcm  
Np Pnma  
Pu \({\alpha}\)-Pu, P121/m1  
Am dhcp  
Cm dhcp  